Attract New Residents ♥ Retain Staff ♥ Create Communities of Belonging
The Most Successful Senior Living Communities Build Relationships Around the Table. Do You?
- Our proven staff training directly leads to improved relationships, clinical outcomes, and marketability.
- Did you know that residents spend up to 60% of their day focusing on mealtimes, which means breakfast, lunch, and dinner are three of your biggest company assets?
- To outperform your competition, use Kind Dining® to deliver the dining experiences residents want in your community.
Kind Dining® is a direct route to improved outcomes.
What goals does your business intend to achieve this year?
Are you working to improve service quality standards?
Working to meet Quality Assurance and Performance Improvement (QPAI) Standards?
Transitioning dining service from tray lines to mobile carts, to a restaurant-style approach?
Or focusing on improved financial performance?
Kind Dining® can help you meet—even exceed—your goals.
Right now, award-winning senior living communities across the United States and Canada are using Kind Dining® to:
√ Build satisfaction, health, and well-being among both residents and staff
√ Reduce resident move-outs and staff turnover
√ Meet the new regulatory and industry standards of care
√ Stand out from the competition and win industry awards
√ Increase guest meal revenue
√ Attract new residents and build a thriving community
Why Kind Dining® Training?
Because it Pays!
"Our training provides a measurable return on your investment in 4 ways."
Boost your competitive edge. Increase occupancy and retention rates as your residents experience higher service quality.
Research indicates the more residents enjoy their dining experience in your community, the higher they rate their overall satisfaction with living there.
Happy dining equals happy residents equals a more successful senior care community.
Happy residents refer their friends. Happy residents don’t move out. Happy residents are healthier and experience greater overall well-being.
Happy residents provide positive feedback to your staff, which fosters job satisfaction among your team.
No worries about complying with person-centered or directed care in state and federal dining guidelines.
Your servers gain confidence in demonstrating serving skills consistent with new quality initiatives.
Each module is uniquely designed to improve key skills and shape behaviors that residents, providers, and surveyors value.
Emotional Intelligence is at the root of Kind Dining® training. We see our work as showing people life skills and attitudes.
In this current economic climate, retention rates of residents and employees are crucial.
The financial loss of one resident moving out can be over $20,000, and turning over one server averages $5,000. In this climate, workers want to keep jobs where they can contribute and feel valued in their work.
Offering education and training that emphasizes the value of the server’s role benefits all stakeholders.
Reduce the risk and expense of a food-borne illness outbreak.
In a comfortable learning style, we address specific knowledge, skills, and learned behaviors to improve hygienic and infection control practices that reduce outbreaks.
Prevention through ongoing education is key and far less expensive than the cost of managing an outbreak.

Since 1994, the organization has supported its clients by enhancing the dining experience and ensuring the nutritional care of residents.
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