Do your food servers eat with their teammates?


Like never before, teamwork in the Assisted Living and Long-Term Care communities have been vital. The sudden transition of formal dining rooms, cozy corner in-house cafes, and food courts shut down because the pandemic has required food serving teams to make drastic changes to their normal routines and styles of serving meals. It generally takes time and practice to put new ways into place and function properly. The pandemic didn’t allow time and practice. Changes had to be designed, up and running immediately. This major transition was smoother when food servers worked as teammates. Mini meetings kept everyone alert and on track with food servers helping each other as they also comforted residents through the alterations. Some kitchens encouraged their preparation and serving staff to enjoy productive lunches together knowing ideas would be exchanged in between mentions of weddings coming up or babies born to the family. Problems are easily discussed with answers found with the comfort of casual eating. 

When coworkers bond as a team they share personal events and stories as friends, not strangers who happen to work in the same company. They recognize the value in each other, reach out to help when needed, and are quick to compliment for thoughtful considerations. Working as a team drastically lowers employee turnover which is costly to the company and creates extra work for those trying to cover for lost employees. Kind Dining♥ suggests you inquire about the value and training of food servers forming relationships with coworkers by working in teams.

Teammates show up for work every day which also helps other food servers from being overworked when trying to get meals delivered on time. These are the heroes of today’s senior living and long-term care communities and need to be recognized for their personal efforts in the face of the coronavirus. Announcement boards hanging in public hallways featuring employee of the week and displaying cards of gratitude from residents who show their appreciation by sending notes or cards to the administration. Leaders know the value of a good employee who goes the extra bit to help a coworker or a resident. There are small ways of showing thanks like sending food servers home with meals packaged up and ready to go.

B♥ Kind ®Tip: Remember, every member of the team is important for success.