If speaking kindly to plants helps them grow, imagine what speaking kindly to humans can do. A friend saw this sign hanging in a winter garden and knowing how I champion the word and the act of being kind, emailed me immediately. After a generation or two of Me First, Kindness is coming back in style! It has always been important, if forgotten by some, but now is perfect timing to fit the seniors who are entering retired living communities. Their generation (baby boomers) was raised with using good manners and kindness. They expect, no, demand to have their opinions considered in their care. Of course, present residents will also be delighted with the change toward kindness in attitude from everyone at work if it isn’t already there.
The phrases in senior communities of culture change in dining and person-directed care has been a hot topic lately. Culture change begins by using kindness and encompasses placing value, dignity, and respect on older adults. National and public policy symposiums signal a focus on the connection between dining satisfaction of residents and the quality of life within their community. These changes in policy will enable elders to make decisions every day that relate to their normal daily patterns that make their life comfortable. Staff will be required to rework their routines around the habits and desires of the elders.
Kind Dining® training was created with this exact purpose in mind when I noticed this great need in senior communities over the years that I’ve worked in the field. I became determined to bring attention to and to provide the training needed. Surprisingly the end cost to the company in making the necessary changes is only slightly above what they are paying now. They will benefit much more from the improvements also. To make a smooth transition in understanding these new policies and how to encourage staff to want to enlighten themselves takes professional and experienced training. That’s where Kind Dining® steps up to the plate.
Our B♥ Kind® Tip: Is there a new resident in your dining room today? Make an effort to get to know them