Football coaches such as Vince Lombardi become legends by bringing their team to be top winners over and over again. At the beginning of training season he would traditionally hold up a pigskin and say, “Gentlemen, this is a football” in front of the rookies and seasoned players as well. He was a man who followed up his speech with rigid drills and stressed the value of practice. He stood behind his speech with action and favorable results.
Senior care communities can benefit from following the proven habits of Vince Lombardi, minus the football. Kind Dining® offers the training that can make your company a top winning community when your food servers, newbies, part-timers, and veterans alike, are taught the standards of service with hospitality at its heart. Once they become knowledgeable about proper serving techniques, the benefits of teamwork, the rewards of good manners, and they practice, practice, practice, they will appreciate the training that has made their jobs in the dining room easier and joyful.
When mealtime service seems effortless and runs smoothly without errors or accidents, you know your team has learned their lessons well. As your food servers take working as a team in their stride they will demonstrate positive attitudes and build confidence. Teammates help each other. When one food server develops a problem; another takes her part. When this happens a tighter bond is created and service flows.
Vince Lombardi became the legend, still remembered and referred to 50 years later because his Green Bay Packers team won five National Football League Championships and two Super Bowls. His skills are still admired and repeated by other coaches. Residents value hospitality through high standards of service at mealtime. Your community dining room can achieve a top notch designation and reap the benefits for your residents and wait staff by applying his values.
Our B♥ Kind® Tip: Remember that improvement is an ongoing process.