A friend recently told me about a note she received from a friend who had just moved into an assisted living community several states away from where they lived. Their friendship covered many years. It held the following message.
“My move into the assisted living community went smoothly. My son will tend to the selling of the house and my daughter is now close by. She will come to visit most days, at least until she is certain that I’ve adapted. So, I’m letting y’all know my new snail mail address.
Everything here seems very nice, the staff is friendly, and (this one is really important) the food is delicious, plentiful, and served by friendly, caring servers. I haven’t met any other residents yet, but I’m giving myself a week to get my business of moving completed. Then, I imagine, I will meet some folks when I start participating in the activities. There are many activities offered. The very first day I did attend an interesting talk by an author about his book. I enjoyed it very much.
I will be missing y’all, so please stay in touch!”
It isn’t only people associated with the industry of senior community living that recognize the importance of your food servers. We, who are involved with training employees, pay close attention to those who are part of serving meals. We know they are the company’s best asset! We know how important they are to the residents of the community! So important that a new resident will immediately reassure her friends back home, that she is, indeed, being well cared for in her new home! Most important to her? The food is delicious, plentiful, and the servers are friendly!
Kind Dining♥ training sessions are rooted in teaching service standards for senior living communities at all levels of care. It is a proven turnkey curriculum for communities that realize resident-centered/directed care is a priority that benefits the company. Kind Dining♥ coaching is designed uniquely for staff who, directly or indirectly, serves meals. The interactive eLearning format of learning inspires your teams to weave hospitality with healthcare, converse with residents, and care about those they serve and work beside. Education and practice empower employees and instill the desire to continually improve their serving and communication skills. Kind Dining♥ curriculum was created to aid companies who don’t have time or resources to form their own training series.
B♥ Kind Tip: Remember, improvement is an ongoing process.