Do Your Servers Know That Communication and Hospitality Skills Help Personalize the Dining Experience?

Raised hands for the Do Your Servers Know That Communication and Hospitality Skills Help Personalize the Dining Experience?

I recall a teenage kitchen worker in one Kind Dining® class. He was looking for a job and found one in this community. His focus on just earning money changed after he noticed how the residents became personal to him. “It didn’t take long for me to realize that showing up for work, being there, and being nice made a big difference to them, and it did to me, too. Many don’t have family and consider us their family. My interaction with them was a way I could give back.”

This young man developed a new sense of purpose and connection that motivated him to improve service. He would stay with the company regardless of his minimal wages.

Other employees also expressed an emotional gift exchanged between residents and staff.  This concept needs to be nurtured.

It makes a massive difference in results when employees find their work meaningful.

Companies that are committed to a strong workplace culture improve the balance sheet for its company by 20-30 %. Research shows that a sense of identity and purpose within the organization is vital to employees. Some communities may be unable to offer employees perks of top-ranked companies (health insurance, family leave, childcare, etc.) and cannot pay more than minimum wage to some.

Workplace culture, which top companies rank as the most influential aspect (80%) of daily operations, can be created and sustained for little money.

Leaders are responsible for creating a workplace culture that helps employees find meaning in what they do. This has nothing to do with paychecks. Training in communication, customer service and hospitality skills helps personalize the dining experience which is an ideal place to start.

This is career development that motivates employees. Giving life-long tools helps relations with residents and each other. This investment in community creates meaning and value for all stakeholders.

Kind Dining® is an affordable training series and direct route to transform staff behavior during mealtimes. They will become your most valuable company asset and will outshine your competition. Our B♥ Kind® Tip: A committed employee is the community’s best asset.