In these trying times of the COVID 19 crisis, studies reveal Long Term Care communities with ample staff who are well-trained have fewer cases of the Coronavirus. Training is a keyword here that works for your food servers who hold vital positions in the community. Kind Dining® training modules are so much more than bringing a meal to a resident. Having your food serving staff learn about the hospitality that goes hand-in-hand with health care is essential.
Food servers who bond with a resident through the skill of conversation assists in that resident’s healthier attitude toward their daily life. They erase the isolated mood and the common problem with older people, especially those living alone, of feeling forgotten. While being beneficial to the resident it also benefits the food server with the knowledge of being valued. These moments of building a friendship repeated three times a day every day, build the important trust factor notably in LTC residents. Each day the food serving team is in multiple, personal contact with the resident and therefore the company’s most highly-prized asset. It is imperative they receive the most competent training.
Kind Dining® training teaches your food servers how their service tends to a resident’s emotional need in this time of a crisis seemingly without extra effort by the server. Residents have a right to be and feel cared for and comforted. This skill comes from knowledge that is part of knowing what the service of hospitality encompasses. Listening while serving a meal often leads to knowing a resident’s unique story. Allowing them to talk is nurturing, healthy, and caring. Each person is significant and deserves individual attention.
The food serving teams are front line workers. When management invests in skilled training for their front line workers, they empower them. These are critical components of a supportive environment. It is in the organization’s best interest to hire an ample number of food servers so they are not overloaded with working hours. Wearing your staff out with schedules that weakens their ability to perform at their best, defeats the training skills they have learned. The wise administration will take notice and express their gratitude to food servers for coming in to work in these stressful times and for doing the great job they are doing in the face of the adversity we are all experiencing.
Our B♥ Kind® Tip: Remember, you are crucial to your team’s success and so are your co-workers.