Does Your Serving Staff Work as a Team ?

I took note when the “Greatest Coach of All-Time” UCLA coach John Wooden said, “Failing to prepare is preparing to fail.” This brief statement overflowed into all areas of his long, successful life and it does the same for every area of your dining room. You want your serving staff to work together as an award-winning team. You want your team members focused on your dining residents.  And you want them working together as award-winning team mates.

Kind Dining’s® proven staff training teaches your serving staff about the importance of showing kindness while getting their work done, showing kindness to the next work shift by restocking and having the right supplies ready for them, and kindness when they help out by doing something that is technically not their job.

Your serving staff has the power to offer smooth, hassle-free mealtimes every day.  Do they survey the dining room making sure it is clean, neat, and in order? Serving meals is a team effort that can be attained with the right coach: Kind Dining®.

B♥ Kind® Tip:   Does your serving staff show kindness in all that they do?