What is this about Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer?

A friend mentioned that Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer Christmas story has been accused of exposing the young stag to bullying. She claimed that his dad Donner, made fun of his red nose and shunned him. Furthermore the school coach said, “From now on, gang, we won’t let Rudolph join in any reindeer games, right?”

A tremendous number of people responded by tweeting their opinions. Not all of them took kindly to the criticism. My friend happily noted that the problem was resolved to everyone’s satisfaction when Santa needed the red nose that caused so much consternation.

For certain, that is a situation you want to avoid in your retirement community. Because something has always ‘been that way’ if it is hurtful, the old way must be changed. Kind Dining® teaches new sensitivity training for your food service team. It’s vital that they are alert to any behavior that is negative to your retirement community. That means being aware of treating others on the food serving team with courtesy, kindness, and consideration as well as treating your residents the same.

Your food servers can be trained to be observant to the residents’ sentiments; if they need a bit of an uplifting comment or encouragement in finding a table to join. The baby boomers who have chosen a new way of living by making a retirement community their home have embraced their worldly experiences.  They look for diversity in their neighbors and their culture. It especially shows up in the dining room. Kind Dining® staff training teaches cultivating relationship skills between food servers and residents. Building self-esteem is important for your food serving staff and breaks down the barriers people have created. It’s about teamwork that includes hospitality for residents. Everyone receives personal attention in the dining room. No one is left out or made to feel excluded.

Residents use 60% of their typical day preparing for and enjoying the dining room experience. Yes, it is more than just grabbing a bite to eat. It is a social time to share a meal with friends tended by a serving staff that caters to them. It is important that residents feel their appearance in the dining room is wanted by other residents. The food serving staff can help the resident feel welcome by introducing them to other diners, by initiating conversations and by giving their attention.  Your food servers have the power to create an extended family friendliness.

Our B Kind® Tip: Is there a new resident in your dining room today? Make an effort to get to know them.