Do your menus reflect a food serving team that cares?

Do your menus reflect a food serving team that cares?

healthy food serving

“When my husband and I decided it was time to move to a senior living community, the first thing I said was, ‘I’m going to miss going out to restaurants to dine.’ Mrs. Long was talking with her friend about her and her husband’s plans. 

“As seniors, after struggling financially in the early years of marriage, building careers, raising the family, doing without to save money for the kids’ colleges, we finally reached the level where we could eat out as often as we pleased. You know that is something I enjoy. 

But I’m delighted that our senior living community has a chef-inspired menu. It’s like going to a restaurant and dining out every day. A bonus to that picture is we don’t need to be cautious about salt in our food. The kitchen is already aware of that hurdle.”

“What is chef-inspired food?” asked her friend.

“Well, it’s not the old way of cooking masses of food delivered in large cans and kept hot on steam tables where you have no choice, only to eat what they are serving that day.

It means creative menus with choices, fresh vegetables, and foods prepared with herbs and seasonings to bring out the flavor without using salt.

Our food is prepared when we order it, not hours earlier, and kept hot. It also means a plate set before you with beautifully arranged food to whet your appetite even if you aren’t hungry.

Again, it means going to a restaurant every day to dine on food that makes me feel at home. It means a meal we want when we want it.  What is not to love about that!”

Kind Dining® training encourages members of the food serving team to offer new ideas and suggestions to consistently be aware of upgrading and improving meals for their residents.

It is vital that dining in the community matches the elegance of residents’ rooms, apartments, and the amenities of their community.

Residents who experience high-quality food service are overall contented and happy. Mealtimes are still the high points of the day.

Your residents must find the food to be fresh in all aspects. These dining hours are an opportunity to build the community’s reputation. Build on that thought and invest in your food serving teams for a higher return on each trained food server. Food servers include nursing/health services, care staff, housekeeping departments, and managers. Your food servers are powerful company assets.

Be ♥ Kind Tip: Remember that your food serving team is your company’s most valuable asset.

Does your food serving team see through the eyes of your residents?

Does your food serving team see through the eyes of your residents?

mature woman soft smile

Is this a good time to look at your food service through the eyes of your customers as top-notch restaurateurs do?

Do you realize that your residents yearn for the same quality of food and service that their favorite restaurants gave them? Those are the restaurants, bistros, and trattorias they patronized before they made your community their home.

That kind of dining service is not out of reach. A food serving team that works together to improve the quality of mealtimes that residents look forward to every day.

An inspired chef can create interesting menus, bring in fresh foods, and design the kitchen to prepare food when ordered. The new way has overcome the old way of cooking early in the day and keeping it hot on steam tables until mealtime.

Still combining healthcare with hospitality, an inspired chef will use herbs and seasonings to replace the salt most seniors need to avoid. It will benefit their health while pleasing their palate.

Dining is their time to socialize, try new dishes with intoxicating flavors, and share stories with newly made or reacquainted long-time friends.

An inspired chef and food service team working together can create excitement at mealtimes and compliment the architecture and décor in your community that first attracted your residents to choose your home.

Your food serving team is a powerful tool for the company.  The dining room’s quality of food and service is their most valued asset. Meals that are talked about with warmth, delight, and satisfaction carry more assurance than advertisements. Word-of-mouth is a strong advantage.

Kind Dining♥ training modules are now available online.

Our curriculum is comprised of 9 training modules divided into 3 sections.

We will help refresh the work habits of your long-term food servers, educate your newly hired food servers, and show your part-time food servers how to be part of the team.

A well-trained team helps your community stand out from others by having employees who learn to be dedicated to their work.