Quotes About the Importance of the Dining Room

Quotes About the Importance of the Dining Room

Speaking of importance in a dining room… “I stopped trying to chase the perfect place to be, and realized the perfect place is with your loved ones and your closest friends, around the dinner table, over a good meal, talking about the past year and the year to come...

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Do Your Food Servers Give Individual Attention?

Do Your Food Servers Give Individual Attention?

When a friend who taught occupational therapy suffered a stroke and wound up in a nursing home for permanent and long term care, she learned a new way to look at what she had been teaching for many years. As her progress restored her to a normal life again she wrote...

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Do You Have Bullies in Your Community?

Do You Have Bullies in Your Community?

My friend told me “I admit that I was eavesdropping in a restaurant when I heard the word ‘bullying’ mentioned. Expecting to hear a story about kids in school I was quite surprised when they were talking about a senior community not too far away. Claiming territory in...

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Do Your Servers Exude Hospitality?

Do Your Servers Exude Hospitality?

A writer friend, who enjoys traveling solo, says she prefers staying at B & B style inns rather than hotels when she goes to Great Britain. There is such a huge difference even though hotels also extend courtesy and consideration. She said, “It is usually like...

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Do you have days when nothing goes right?

Do you have days when nothing goes right?

There are days when any commercial kitchen can run into problems. Electrical systems shut down for some unknown reason, the fresh vegetable supply didn’t come in, the chef took ill, the sous chef has poison ivy, and so on. Can those problems be fixed?  A back-up...

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Food Serving Experience

Food Serving Experience

Ambiance in the dining room is vital to success in the community. That means a food serving staff working together, cheerfully, enjoying the work they do. Dining seniors will respond in kind to that attitude if they see it every mealtime. Forward-thinking providers...

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Does a bully ruin your community dining room?

Does a bully ruin your community dining room?

A friend told me about her friend Anne starting a new job as a food server in a senior living community. She ran smack into a bully that pulled gloom down over everyone in the dining room. It was a sad place to be. She boldly criticized every other food server trying...

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Leading the Troops

Leading the Troops

Seniors telling their stories is an important part of who they are as they evolve into their elder years. I heard a WWII veteran tell his story on NPR’s StoryCorp. He was part of a platoon who had to come up with ideas on deception; how to fool the enemy into...

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Does your food serving staff know your diners?

Does your food serving staff know your diners?

Do you remember Deborah Kerr singing Getting to Know You in the film The King & I with Yul Brynner? It’s a lovely, happy scene where she meets the King’s children, all of them. As the new teacher, she is in the same situation as the food servers in your community...

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Do Your Food Servers Work Alone?

Do Your Food Servers Work Alone?

When Steve Jobs was forced out of Apple he didn’t sit back and watch others succeed. He bought Pixar and  moved the company to a location planned with three separate buildings that would hold separate departments. He scrapped that whole idea quickly and decided that...

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Is Kindness the Answer?

Is Kindness the Answer?

Maybe when you are unhappy it is better to go out for a walk instead of feeding your unhappiness with a plate of pie a la mode. In a study conducted at Iowa State University, students were directed to walk around campus for 12 minutes and practice one of three...

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Do Your Food Servers Have Conversations?

Do Your Food Servers Have Conversations?

Communication is the glue that holds people together creating better working environments that create happier atmospheres for residents. Kind conversations are the handiest way to have communications between co workers. Food servers are the leaders in moving forward...

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Are Your Meal Servers Ready for Culture Change?

Are Your Meal Servers Ready for Culture Change?

When Sally helped her mother select a long term community to continue her life after selling her home, she felt it was time for a change in her own life too. She left her job on cruise ships to working in her mother’s community, primarily in the dining room.  Even...

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What About Short Term Residents?

What About Short Term Residents?

Rebecca thinks back to ten years ago when she suffered a stroke at 52 years of age and wound up in a short term Rehab facility. In the beginning meals were brought to her room. There was a noticeable difference in the attitude of who delivered her meals. One gal...

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Are Your Food Servers Alert and Considerate?

Are Your Food Servers Alert and Considerate?

A friend’s mother-in-law, Minnie, decided on retirement living a year after her husband passed away.  On her first visit to the dining room she spotted one of those don’t even think about sitting here looks from a snooty looking woman where one chair was vacant at her...

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Do You Have Bullies in Your Dining Room?

Do You Have Bullies in Your Dining Room?

Walk into many elementary school buildings these days and you’ll notice posters and banners advocating being a friend not a bully. It is best and easiest to change negative attitudes early in life, opening the minds of children to show kindness and friendliness....

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