Does your food service team lead the way?

Does your food service team lead the way?

Tom paused the old footfall game on the TV. “It’s good to be getting back to normal after this last year and a half of Pandemic–caused changes. It feels like little by little we are opening up to life again.” “I agree with you on that,” said Mike. They both worked in...

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Culture change helps you to Love what you do!

Culture change helps you to Love what you do!

Mary was talking on her cell phone lamenting to her mother about turning 30 and facing new challenges and changes. “Hah!” Her mother laughed and wished her a Happy Birthday. They lived on opposite coastlines of the country and couldn’t be together to celebrate. “You...

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What are your memories of Sunday dinners?

What are your memories of Sunday dinners?

Leah was sitting in a memoir writing class when the instructor said to think back to a moment when you met a turning point in your life. Instantly she thought of the last time her family enjoyed Sunday afternoon dinner together. She was 16 years old, the youngest...

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What was your last random act of kindness?

What was your last random act of kindness?

"It’s true that when I witness a random act of kindness, I smile, no matter how upset or sorrowful I happen to be at the time. It is so much more than it appears to be. It’s like there is a place deep inside where we hold this sack of kindness and when it is needed,...

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What keeps your food servers on the job?

What keeps your food servers on the job?

Mary was new to this senior long-term living community. Susan recognized that and struck up a conversation with her as they filled lunch carts to deliver to residents. Susan asked how she came to work here as a food server. “I worked at a different facility for five...

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Do you know what good leadership does?

Do you know what good leadership does?

Customer-first policy is a result of solid, forward-thinking leadership that filters down from a confident administrative staff.  A manager who serves meals on a holiday shift so a food server can have the day with her family creates a loyal team member. That server...

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What is your truth about food service?

What is your truth about food service?

Aiden met Robert during a break after a staff meeting at his new position in a senior living community. He was rather new in the field and repeated what he learned in his earlier classes while still in school, that there was always something new to learn in keeping up...

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