Do You Love to Come to Work?

Do You Love to Come to Work?

A friend of mine told me of a conversation she had recently. She asked her friend what it is about her job that makes her love going to work. The friend replied, “My coworkers are happy to see me and greet me with a hearty Good Morning! What a great way to begin my...

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Are You Speaking Kindly to Your Plants?

Are You Speaking Kindly to Your Plants?

If speaking kindly to plants helps them grow, imagine what speaking kindly to humans can do.     A friend saw this sign hanging in a winter garden and knowing how I champion the word and the act of being kind, emailed me immediately. After a generation or two of Me...

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Do You Involve Your Serving Teams?

Do You Involve Your Serving Teams?

My friend said that when she was growing up she was exposed to other ethnicities, especially at the dining room table and especially during the Christmas holiday season. I appreciate her sharing her experience and carry that image when I conduct my Kind Dining®...

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Do You Love to Come to Work?

Do You Love to Come to Work?

A friend of mine told me of a conversation she had recently. She asked her friend what it is about her job that makes her love going to work. The friend replied, “My coworkers are happy to see me and greet me with a hearty Good Morning! What a great way to begin my...

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Do Your Servers Make Goals?

Do Your Servers Make Goals?

Some time ago a particular community called me in for a training workshop. I sat in the Administrator’s office with, I’ll call her Anna for anonymity, to learn the issues that were preventing a higher resident satisfaction rating. She was discouraged that her food...

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Is Incivility Really a Problem Today?

Is Incivility Really a Problem Today?

Every generation seems to complain about the younger generation in the way they dress, in their awful language, and especially in their lack of the good manners taught to the earlier generations. It’s true! There is a new trend begun in the last few years that shows...

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New Responsibilities for Caregivers?

New Responsibilities for Caregivers?

The lessons learned in life are often as important as the first ones we learn in school when training for a career. This happened when the state surveyor pulled me into her confidence by telling me how much better I could be in my career by embracing the changes and...

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Expanding Opportunities for Your Nursing Staff

Expanding Opportunities for Your Nursing Staff

Some time ago I was explaining the importance of learning new skills for nurses during a training session of Kind Dining. One individual balked at the idea of needing to do anything different than she had always done. She was so adamant that her arms folded across her...

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Do Your Servers Listen?

Do Your Servers Listen?

When I was in my mid 20s I was working in the wilds of Alaska at an isolated camp where 100 young adults, ages 16-23 from multiple states came together for conservation work. This was bare bones living and working! There were no luxuries or electricity! Gracious, we...

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It Matters That Your Servers Care

It Matters That Your Servers Care

One day an instructor called me, very excited, about a community where she had been conducting Kind Dining® training sessions.“The Licensed Nurse Aides (LNAs) have been serving meals in the dining room and came to me to ask permission to buy decorative baskets for the...

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Do Your Employees Take Ownership?

Do Your Employees Take Ownership?

A Kind Dining® instructor called to tell me of an incident showing a big result from one of her Kind Dining® training sessions. One of the servers donned an apron just to see what reaction she would get. Surprisingly a resident told her she looked like Kind Dining®...

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How to Attract Clients to Your Community

How to Attract Clients to Your Community

A friend told me that without revealing her professional interest, she’s asked friends of friends that live in a retirement community what made them choose a particular place for the expected final home of their lifetime? They invariably made an overall comment about...

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What Attracts Residents to Your Community?

What Attracts Residents to Your Community?

My friend’s brother opened a small lunch only bistro in a small town back in the 90s. The ambiance was warmth with black and white tiled floor and checkered tablecloths. Toulouse Lautrec hung on the walls. His wait staff was welcoming in French apron over black pants...

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Learning About Happiness in Your Community

Learning About Happiness in Your Community

Last week I ran into an old friend that I had not seen in a long time. After exchanging the polite pleasantries, we decided to have coffee and really catch up. Soon we fell into conversation about our work. She’s been a high school teacher and guidance counselor for...

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Are Your Servers Learning What is Up-to-Date?

Are Your Servers Learning What is Up-to-Date?

I read in a blog that Glassdoor named a Senior Living Community one of 50 Best Places to Work in 2017. It noted the passion of the employees who stated that they loved the residents and valued their wisdom. Here are three direct quotes from the employees:  “I find joy...

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Wanting to Work in Your Community

Wanting to Work in Your Community

A friend told me about me her stay at Duke University Hospital during her scheduled heart surgery to replace a defective aortic heart valve. “I talked to everyone, the man who wheeled me down for an x-ray each day, the lady who cleaned my room, the nurses on the...

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Does Your Dining Room Have Winning Teamwork?

Does Your Dining Room Have Winning Teamwork?

The culture of hospitality is the key factor in senior care community and the dining room is the heart of that factor. It’s usually where strangers come to first meet their new lifetime neighbors, to dine, socialize, and generally get to know each other. It‘s also...

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What is Kind Dining®?

What is Kind Dining®?

Every senior housing community, whether retirement or skilled healthcare, must provide the best dining experience it can offer. In order to reach that goal a new mindset and skill set ought to be put in place. It’s time for the organization to realize that residents...

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Teamwork in the Dining Room

Teamwork in the Dining Room

My friend, who comes from a restaurant family, told me how everyone in their restaurant worked as a team. When the dinner hour became truly busy, the wait staff took a moment to clean a table to help the busboy, the sommelier and the host-both in tuxedos-carried a...

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Does Your Serving Staff Work as a Team ?

Does Your Serving Staff Work as a Team ?

I took note when the “Greatest Coach of All-Time” UCLA coach John Wooden said, "Failing to prepare is preparing to fail." This brief statement overflowed into all areas of his long, successful life and it does the same for every area of your dining room. You want your...

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The Importance of Your Dining Room

The Importance of Your Dining Room

Arlene - the state surveyor - sat down to interview me, and it changed how I could make a real difference. I had spent the first two weeks on the job organizing the inter-workings and cleaning of the kitchen, reading the notes from the nurses on each resident’s...

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